Végre időben, és napsütésben is itt a tavasz, és ez egyet jelent a kinti mókákkal. Egyre több időt tölthetünk a szabadban, legtöbbször persze a játszótéren, és a parkok környékén. Na kinek ismerős ez? Amikor megérkezik ez a jó idő, nálunk előkerülnek a biciklik (igen, egy kicsit papírkutya vagyok, de nem szeretek fagyban, hóban kerekezni). A kerékpárok tárolása viszont nem egyszerű kérdés, már ha nem kertes házban lakik az ember. Fontos, hogy könnyen mozgatható legyen, de ugyanakkor, ne foglaljon sok helyet.

Szerencsére a Pinterest tele van jobbnál jobb ötletekkel erre vonatkozóan, így nem is volt olyan nehéz 7-et kigyűjteni belőle.

Heti 7 biciklitárolási ötlet

  1. Könyves polc átalakítva biciklis tárolóvá… és egy helyen az összes biciklis eszköz is megtalálható

  1. A lépcső design… hogy a lépcső alatti terület mégis hasznos lehessen

  1. Egyszerű, designos faléces megoldás két kerékpár tárolására

  1. Multifunkciós kerékpártárolás + némi ruhaszárítás egyben. Kis helyen sok minden elfér jeligére.

Read the Custom Essays review

As carried out by a Chartered Legal Executive

Customessays.co.uk review, actual based in the Ukraine

Updated: 1st December 2014

The review below was prepared by a qualified legal executive and gives an impartial report on the offers and claims made by Custom Essays via their website at custom-essays.co.uk. All details are correct at the time of publication.

A team bondng and trust exercise

Trust and transparency

  • Custom Essays do not accept visitors.
  • They claim to be based at 124 Blair Athol Road, Sheffield S11 7GD which is a residential terraced house. However there is substantial evidence freely available online to show that they are a Ukrainian company.See for example:
  • Custom Essays is not a registered data controller. They guarantee full confidentiality but this is not supported in their terms.

Architecture plans and nuts and bolts of a custom made design

Originality and quality of work

  • Custom Essays guarantee that their work is 100% plagiarism free, and state that if you prove that your paper contains plagiarism they guarantee a full refund.
  • Custom Essays guarantee satisfaction and state that your paper will be revised until it is perfect. Of interest, in their terms and conditions they reserve the right to use „any relevant materials available – books, journals, newspapers, interviews, online publications and others – unless the client indicates some specific sources to be used”.
  • Custom Essays recruit through Academia Research (http://www.academia-research.com) to which we applied and were accepted. They conduct no checks whatsoever as to qualifications or identity as is evident from their application form (http://www.academia-research.com/writer/index.php?pg=join) which requests a resume and samples of work but no qualification or ID documents. All orders (regardless of subject or standard) are visible in the researcher control panel and typical fees paid to writers for an entire paper are $9 – $15.

A customer service headset on top of a laptop

Customer service

  • Customer service before the order was okay, although the operators do not sound English.
  • Poor post-sales customer service due to late delivery of essay and non delivery of requested amendments and no help provided for locating sources.

A pile of used books ready for resale

No resale/republish

  • Custom Essays state that once the essay is paid for, the copyright belongs to the Customer which presumably means it would not be resold or republished.

A money jar overspilling

Value for money

  • Custom Essays charge £64.80 / 1,000 words / undergraduate 2:1 essay. Custom Essays’ writer fees are typically $9 – $15 for the entire paper. Custom Essays charge fees that do not allow them the margin to hire professional UK writers at going rates to complete the work, so regardless of the promises they make on their websites, this simply isn’t achievable. This explains the poor quality of the work they provided.

The lights from a fast moving car

Speed of service

  • Custom Essays promise „compensation for the breach of the order deadline in the form of a credit or a discount to be used towards your next order”. They state that late delivery will not result in a refund.
  • Our test order was delivered late. The rewrite was also late and totally irrelevant to what we had ordered. After complaining again about this and gone back and forth for two weeks with no progress we asked for a refund and eventually this was processed without letting us know.

Find out more about the UK Essays difference

If you are looking for a genuine, UK based essay writing company then take a look below.

Esssay Writing Service

  1. Plafonon – felhúzós megoldás… főként a nagy belmagasságú lakásokba lehet érdekes ez a kivitelezés


  1. Egyszerűen az előszoba falon, úgy hogy minél kevesebb helyet foglaljon a dolog

  1. Több, mint őrült? vagy kreatív az ötlet, de miért is ne

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